Support Our Work

  • Donate food

    In As Much Ministry depends on donations from individuals, churches and other organizations.

    Items to consider donating include the following:

    Snack Crackers, Saltine Crackers, Graham Crackers, Granola Bars, Sloppy Joe Sauce, Salt and Pepper, Dry Pasta, Tortillias, Dry Pinto, Kidney, Black or White Beans

    Food donations accepted Wednesdays.

    8:00 am-12 noon.

  • Donate financially

    Our generous neighbors and community partners are at the heart of what we do. Every dollar helps provide food security to thousands in Clay County.

    Use the Donate link to contribute a one-time or monthly donation.

  • Volunteer

    In As Much Ministry is grateful for our volunteers—local organizations, families and individuals—who offer food, essentials, and hope to our community.

    For questions about volunteer opportunities, please contact us.