About Us
In as much as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40
In As Much Ministry is a food pantry that addresses food security for people in need within Clay County, Missouri through the generosity of the community.
Honoring human souls through Christlike interactions
Feeding and nourishing our neighbors with compassion
Understanding and meeting the needs of others with great care
Respecting our clients, volunteers, and donors by listening, understanding, and addressing needs and concerns
Volunteers and donors CARE so they GIVE to SUPPORT our mission
Managing, sharing, and distributing donations and resources ethically and equitably
Our story
In As Much Ministry was unofficially founded in 1986 as a bread and diaper ministry on the porch of Don and Dorothy McClain. By 1988, the ministry had chosen its name and started using a closet at Second Baptist Church.
In 1990, IAMM became an affiliate of Harvesters Community Food Network. In April 1991, the Ministry joined The Emergency Food Assistance Program, a program operated through Harvesters by the US Department of Agriculture.
In 1993, the Ministry was incorporated as a nonprofit agency. In 1996, In As Much became affiliated with the Mid America Assistance Coalition.
In As Much now distributes over 10,000 lbs of food to families each week. We provide food through our regular distribution hours, kids weekend food programs, special dietary program (gluten-free), Beacon Mental Health and to others as needed.
Board of Directors
David Sallee
Linda Greason
Vice President
Jody Fowler
Steve Hawkins
Bob Corum
Board Member
Linda Davis
Board Member
Lynn Driggers
Board Member
Roger Driskill
Board Member
Peggy Miller
Board Member
Stephanie Morris
Board Member
Bernie Verssue
Board Member
Gary Zaborac
Board Member
Stacie Bratcher
Board Member
Kristi Cates
Board Member